Saturday, April 22, 2006

Don't be a movie snob.

The notion that there are "smart" movies is a false one; if you mean "artsy," then say artsy, but don't confuse those two terms. Ok maybe Bill Nye movies are "smart" because they are educational, but watching the whole Criterion collection will not teach you anything, and it will not inspire anything. Nor will watching _____ (insert name of foreign film here). In most cases, movies are responsible for stifling creativity. Why imagine anything when a movie does it for you? Most movies that I've heard people call "smart" are just stream of consciousness, random jumbles that make absolutely no sense, but are meant to explain some deep, philosophical or intellectual idea, despite numerous plot holes and broken logic. And nobody understands what is going on, but they act like they do because they don't want to appear quaint. It's a case of the emperor's new clothes. However, if the theory is so complex and intelligent, it shouldn't be able to be completely explained and grasped in a two-hour movie. That's what text books are for.

If you want smart, pick up a book. It doesn't even have to be a classic. If it's a shitty book, you're still forced to think about more than you would a movie. It's what teachers have been telling us our whole lives and believe or not, it's true.

Don't take my opinion as a personal affront, movie buffs. I like movies too, but I have no delusions that the movies I like are anything special. I like the worst of the worst and I'm proud that I can admit it unashamedly.


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