Thursday, May 18, 2006


Tuesday night I ran (didn't walk) to Circuit City to buy the New Super Mario Bros. game. Not only was Circuit City selling it for $8 cheaper than Walmart, but they also threw in these two little guys for free! Awesome!

I must admit though, I was thoroughly sucking at first because I kept falling off shit. Does anyone else find Mario extra slippery in this game? Greasy wop.

I still need to buy Super Princess Peach, but that can wait until after I beat this game. If I ever beat this game.


After playing for awhile I came up with a list of reasons I suck at this:

1) I've died too many times as a result of wall bouncing.
2) I fall off the edges waaaay too much.
3) I can never get all eight of those red coins.
4) I can never mostly collect all three star coins.
5) I'm bad at finding secrets that unlock extra levels, and therefore have never been able to try out that cannon thing can't figure out how to get to two of the worlds.

I need to stop being such a massive pussy and get better at this game. I'm losing my edge.

Here are some cheats.


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