Tuesday night I ran (didn't walk) to Circuit City to buy the New Super Mario Bros. game. Not only was Circuit City selling it for $8 cheaper than Walmart, but they also threw in these two little guys for free! Awesome!
I must admit though, I was thoroughly sucking at first because I kept falling off shit. Does anyone else find Mario extra slippery in this game? Greasy wop.
I still need to buy Super Princess Peach, but that can wait until after I beat this game. If I ever beat this game.
After playing for awhile I came up with a list of reasons I suck at this:
1) I've died too many times as a result of wall bouncing.
2) I fall off the edges waaaay too much.
4) I can
5) I'm bad at finding secrets that unlock extra levels, and therefore
I need to stop being such a massive pussy and get better at this game. I'm losing my edge.
Here are some cheats.
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